So this is interesting, right now I’m currently typing this from my iPad(I know it’s revolutionary). The issue that I always had using CouchCMS was that it never worked right as the editor was all in a jQuery type box.
All in all, I look forward to trying this more when I actually have something to write about. For the time being, I’m just testing this out to see how the post comes out as well if it broadcasts to my social media things correctly.
edit: So that’s interesting, when I click save and upload it gives me an error. However, when I actually go to check my website it loads correctly. Interesting indeed(so now I’m just checking to see if the edit function works).
[schema type=”person” name=”Clayton Nichols” jobtitle=”SEO Manager” url=”” bday=”1986-08-05″ city=”Pittsburgh” state=”PA” postalcode=”15201″ country=”US” email=”” ]