Tag Archives: Chrome Plugins

Chrome Extensions: Scribefire

I’m a huge advocate of trying new Chrome extensions and plugins. It’s fun to try new things, and the thought of finding something that can make my life easier is awesome. Right now, thanks to a post I saw on Google+, I have some new chrome extensions to give a go. I would love to link to that post, but I’ve been through 4-5 already and I can’t remember which one to give credit to.

So as a new kind of series for this blog, I’ve decided to start writing about the Chrome extensions or iPhone Apps that I’m giving a try. As much as I want it to be, this blog can’t all be about Search Engine Optimization. While it’s my job and I do it every single day, diversity is necessary to keep me sane. It also gives me the ability to write about something else so I don’t burn out as fast as I have before when it comes to content creation.

Chrome Extensions: Scribefire

Scribefire Chome Extension

Scribefire once known as Performancing for Firefox is a slick little interface now built into a Chrome extension that allows you to create/edit posts to your blog sites(including WordPress) without actually having to access your website to write it. Have a spur of the moment idea? Forget logging in, just click the icon and get writing! So far, it’s been an incredibly simple process from start to finish.

I like it because:

  • Easy to get started
  • Immediate creation of simple blog posts
  • Interface is simple
  • Posting is seamless, and gives you the ability to schedule posts for publishing
  • Can use it as an idea/braindstorming tool, saving draft ideas for later


As of right now, there’s one glaring issue that’s sticking out to me that I’m not a big fan of. However, I totally understand the reason why it doesn’t work. The image uploader doesn’t give you the ability to load an image to your site. Purely because there’s no way that I can see to allow Scribefire to connect to your backend through FTP.

The image uploader requires a source for the image(hosting images with sites like Imgur/Photobucket), so loading directly from your desktop isn’t ideal(like I wanted to do). That’s not a major issue for me though, because I can create a post and format it at a later date. Or I could purely just go ahead and use this for lighter or less in depth posts and just exclude images all together(which is never my first choice).

That being said, if you’re used to seeing all of your plugins or your SEO tools for writing, you won’t see that on Scribefire either. I’m fine with it, because I can still go in and edit it later and it’s not like I really even need to use those guidline plugins anyways.


Overall, I’ll be giving Scribefire a legit shot to become my quick posting tool. Just being able to write anything with the click of one button is a pretty cool thing for me. I enjoy that it’s super simple and quick to connect. Sure, there are some drawbacks but they aren’t big enough from making me stop using the chrome extension at the moment. I look forward to using this in the future!

UPDATE: After first use, it missed my scheduled time. I’m not sure if that’s a bug, but it proved to be unreliable on first use. I’ll have to work with it some more to see if it was my issue, or a Scribefire issue.